“Laiptų Karalius” advises
A staircase must be adapted to space each time, thus, its installation does not follow any single recipe, however, there are some practical tips, in order it would be pleasant not only to look at, but also to walk up or down them.
What to start from when choosing a staircase?
People often buy the already built house and do not know, whether there is enough space for staircase, what could be its plan, completion, price, etc. We always propose inviting the specialist to inspect the place, to measure the stairs hole, to assess the situation. You will always get some valuable advice, and be consulted. After making measurements, we will design your staircase, assess its comfort, and calculate its price. If it fits both sides, we will conclude the agreement, and start the process of staircase manufacturing.
How much space will a staircase take?
A great mistake and a problem is when the customers do not leave a space of staircase or a stair space is too small. The height of the staircase is reflected in the area of the staircase on the ground floor. E.g., the staircase of three meters in height requires approximately 4 meters long runaway. Whether it is twisted U-shaped (2 meters ahead, 2 meters back), or twisted V-shaped (1 meter and 3 metres) – the length of runaway is almost the same. The stairs hole cannot be reduced. It happens when the owners make a room, a storage room, a dressing room bigger upstairs, thus, making the hole smaller – it must not be done. Therefore, it should be consulted with professionals, who will help to avoid all aforementioned mistakes.
The most common mistakes of staircase
1. The place of a staircase was adjusted during construction – ceiling was raised or lowered, internal walls were thickened after measurements, however, the manufacturer of a staircase was failed to be informed about this.
2. The communications (heating cables, pipes) were laid in the place, where a staircase should base on.
3. The ceiling of the second floor was designed “at random” without leaving a sufficient space for stairway.
4. Staircase and railings are made at different manufacturers.
Looking for the best price
It is recommended to choose staircase from a single source (all staircase parts are ordered in the same company). It is especially relevant when the staircase of several materials (e.g., stainless steel, wood, glass, black metal) is wanted to be made. It is tried to purchase everything in parts by thinking that it would be saved. In this case, one should not be afraid at least to ask for prices in larger companies. One should not think that everything is expensive in large companies.
We are sure that in case of making the staircases in parallel in different companies, their cost will be very similar. When the staircase is divided into parts, one rarely puts together the whole amount of money, spent, while buying individual parts. Sometimes a price is more flexible, when buying in a single place, in comparison with purchase of smaller parts. What is more, discounts are applied. In addition, some manufacturers always blame others for non-quality works and do not want to grant warranties.
What a staircase should be matched to at home?
Selection of staircase material and style starts from asking a customer: what will be the floor, doors, and window sills? If the answer is that the doors will be plastic or white, then it is asked: “will the windows be with wood imitation”. It is preferable to “tie-up” and to match the staircase. Wood colour is matched to the floor. If floor is of ceramic tiles, a similar colour can be adapted to stairsteps, and the result is perfect then. If plastic details prevail in the interior, polymeric coating can be used to staircase.
What wood should be chosen for staircase?
Ash or oak staircases are commonly chosen. According to Brinell scale, ash hardness is 39, not far behind from the hardness of oak – 42. For example: pine hardness – 27. Pine is used significantly less frequently: for those, who want to save much, or for less used staircase (edges wear very quickly, a hole is pressed in upon dropping some item). Lithuanians usually do not have the pine staircases made, only in exceptional cases.
What materials should be chosen for stairsteps, armrest?
It is often walked barefoot or with socks at home, therefore, it is best to use wood for inside stairsteps. Wood also is universal: it is pleasant to walk on in winter and summer. And if it is walked on metal stairsteps or granite stairs – it will be cold. It is recommended to have a wooden armrest at home as it is significantly more pleasant and warmer to arm than a metal one. Wood can be various, however, hardwood is chosen more often.
Communications under a staircase
It is necessary to know the base of staircase as early as possible. If a staircase is on one joist, the support will go through the centre. If a staircase is with joists at two ends, the support points will be at the ends. Therefore, the need of communications layout is different. While laying communications, no marks of the place of their installation are often left. Thus, later is difficult to look for them as heating tubes are plastic, and it is almost impossible to find them. Knowing their exact location, communications drilling is avoided.
A common mistake is the case when communications are started to be installed under the future staircase (when there is no staircase yet). The communications like water, electricity, heating pipes cannot be laid on the ground floor in the place of future staircase.
Size and height of a stairstep
It is essential to keep a good ratio of height and width of a stairstep. Usually, the width of 27-29 cm is chosen. The width of a stairstep cannot be reduced too much. For example, Finns, Icelanders prefer the width of 23-24 cm. A customer might be given the example, in order to understand, why a smaller width would not work. The average man shoe size is 42-44 (or 27-29 European, i.e., the real foot length, cm). The part of a stairstep, which is hidden under the next stairstep (the so-called nosing), is calculated in addition, thus, the size of the whole staircase should be 28. It is an optimum size for man, and it should not be made lower. For example, if 23 cm stairsteps are made, after adding 3 cm, we get the stairstep of 26 cm. When getting down, the additional 3 cm cannot be used, and you will have to sideways, in order it would be more comfortable to het down. You can always check, whether the parameters of staircase are comfortable, by getting down. In his books, the architect Ernst Neufert argued that the ratio of perfect stairstep ranges between 25-33 cm in width and 15-18 cm in height. By saving one, Lithuanians usually take one maximum value (height), and the other minimum width. By maintaining these parameters, it could be guaranteed that the staircase will be successful.
When should the staircase be started to be installed?
A staircase should be installed when there is no finishing yet (if staircase is made of metal, concrete framework), since it may be damaged during staircase installation. Upon installing a staircase, wall finishing must be made. Since staircase is installed later, its place should be known in advance. The owners often deviate from the project and change, for example, the climbing sides, abandon the idea to have the storeroom, or include the latter in the place it has not been planned. It is dangerous as there is a high probability to “lose the way”.